Desperate Sinner

I found this piece this morning as I was going through my journal. I wrote it in response to 1 John 1:5-10. I almost forgot it was there. Then, I realized I didn’t share it here. I think I was too afraid of how desperate it sounded. However, as I am reading through Romans I realize, we are desperate. I am desperate. I am so in need of a God who will love me no matter what. I am in need of a God who can exchange my sin for His love. And so… I share. Enjoy!

Sin! It holds me hostage and tells me things I know aren’t true

I listen way too often when they say I can’t go home to You

I’m tired of this cycle running back and forth with sin

I want to trust the words You’ve spoken the promise of being new again

My choices & my rights become my struggle to release my pain

I thought I knew the best way to be free of it, but I’m in a hole again

I know that You are somewhere waiting for me to come back home

But thoughts of what You must think of me keep me hiding and alone

Hiding is so lonely and exhausting, oh to stand in the sun of Your love

The gospel truth and peace of knowing that your love is mind to hold

When I run far from You, You call me home each time

When I’m lost inside my sin, You heart reaches out to mine

And I’m covered in Your perfect love

There is no shame, there is no guilt

There is no reproach or told you so

No conditions to coming home again

You brush me off and love me clean

And our friendship resumes as though it never ended

And I’m covered in Your perfect love

Whole and complete in You